Best Practices in Video Marketing in 2022

Best Practices in Video Marketing

What is the best way to promote your Brand?

Who are your target audiences?

What platform do you intend to use (Your playing field)?

All these questions are basic things to ask before developing and promoting contents about your brand.

Videos have been proven over the years to be more engaging than pictures and words alone.

Video marketing can be used to promote your brand’s services or products and it can lead to more engagements and conversions for your business. Just like any other campaign strategy, video marketing campaigns are also performed with a specific goal in mind.

How does a Video Marketing campaign Start?

Video Marketing Campaign starts from creating a video to either promote your brand, raise awareness of your products and services or simply connect with your audience. The point is that, before you begin a video marketing campaign, you should firstly define your goal, determine your target audience and choose your playing field.

Your videos should be concise and easy to relate to because the overall point is to drive your audience to take a particular action. We would highlight some best practices in video marketing in the next section.

Best Practices in Video Marketing Campaigns

  • Define it’s purpose

Having a goal in mind is the first step to take in creating a video marketing campaign, you would definitely want your audience to take a particular action after watching your video ad. Your purpose for the campaign should be clearly defined, this would be your guide in creating and developing your video ad.

  • Tell a story

Story telling is a perfect way to drive more engagements with your video marketing campaigns. If you want to talk about a particular service offered by your brand, creating your video on a story form can keep your audience glued to their screen because everyone always anticipates the end of a captivating story.

  • Keep your videos short and simple

One of the best practices in video marketing campaign is to keep videos concise and straight to the point, not everyone has the luxury of watching a video ad for more than 10minutes. In our opinion, the best range for video ads is between 1-5 minutes.

  • Choose the right platform

We call this “Your playing field”. Depending on the intent of your video marketing campaign and target audience your playing field should be such that has your ideal customer on. Platforms like YouTube has a larger audience and it is said to be one of the biggest social media platforms, leveraging on platforms to promote your video contents would help you get your brand’s image to the right audience.

  • Test, Re-test and Analyze

In video marketing strategy, testing and re-testing various video ads would help you know which campaign works most effectively and easily resonates with your audience. After every video campaign, you should check for the engagements and reactions to it, information gotten from this analysis would be a guide to your next video campaign.

Video marketing campaigns can be a great source of organic traffic to your website. Doing it right would in the long run improve your brand authority. At HHM global solutions we help you analyze the market and develop a video marketing campaign that would create a strong impression on your audience. Reach us today for your next campaign project.

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